The heritage of Gush Etzion symbolizes the Jewish people's history of destruction and persistent reconstruction. Four times Gush Etzion was settled and three times it was destroyed. The last time on the eve of the establishment of the State of Israel, when the besieged settlements fell after fierce fighting. For 19 years, the survivors could only look at Gush Etzion from a distance, but in 1967, after the 6-Day War, they returned to their destroyed homes and rebuilt it. Despite frequent terrorist attacks in the area, the settlements thrive and prosper today.

In the majestic heights where the mountains of Judea meet the desert, with breathtaking views of the Dead Sea, lies the Arugot Farm, founded by four families. But it is not just a farm, it is also a retreat and training center with the vision to offer those interested the opportunity, to deepen their faith and understanding of the Bible and Israel. It is also home to an international fellowship where Torah is studied together. Ari Abramowitz and Jeremy Gimpel's life stories are inspiring and a visit to Arugot Farm leaves unforgettable impressions. Here one experiences true pioneering spirit and an example of how Israel was built from nothing.